
Damo Staff Seminar in Hawkes Bay 13 October

Sifu Belinda Hadfield continues her Damo Staff teaching in the Hawkes Bay, hosted by her student Sifu Jennifer Leaf.  For details contact Sifu Jennifer Leaf or Sifu Belinda Hadfield at

Damo Staff is one of the key forms in the Chun Yuen Quan (North Shaolin) syllabus within the Tse Qigong Centre teaching.  It is great fun, really good for co-ordination and posture and straightens out those shoulder issues acquired from too much computer work!  It uses a brow height wooden staff.  Another staff form taught by the Tse Qigong Centre is 13 Grab Stick which is a shorter staff (breast height) but uses many similar movements.  13 Grab Stick will be taught by Grandmaster Michael Tse when he next visits New Zealand in early March next year.


Classic Te Horo scene at foot of Tararua Range.  Backdrop to Sifu Shaw's new home north of Wellington.

New Class Starting at Te Horo Community Hall (Otaki)

Sifu Shaw has advertised a Wild Goose Qigong class in a new location on the North Kapiti Coast.  Having moved her household to the Otaki area, Sifu Shaw has decided to offer a class or classes in the area.  Te Horo Community Hall is not far from where she now lives.  It is a historical building dating to the early 20th century and is well used in the Te Horo Community.

At this stage Dayan Qigong classes will be taught on Wednesdays 11am – 12 noon, starting on 17 October.  If there is subsequent interest  in the  skills of Chun Yuen (North Shalolin) Quan and / or Chen Taijiquan, these may become available also.

Meantime classes continue in Wellington on Tuesday morningings at Karori Recreation Centre and Tuesday evenings at Clyde Quay School in Mt Victoria.

Beginners are always welcome at any of these classes.